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 How Additions Are Made:

 Additions are made to TSDWIN as the needs of our corporate clients
 for whom we provide business software become more sophisticated.
 For instance, this version has a new browse, twRABrowse() which is
 the nucleus of an order entry processing system for one of our
 major clients.

 Other additions are suggested by TSDWIN users themselves. Users
 are encouraged to contact TSDWIN Support BBS's, or to call the
 author personally to make suggestions. All ideas are seriously
 considered and many end up being incorporated into TSDWIN.

 While the author feels that 'object-orientation' is not necessary
 for most users of TSDWIN, it is possible that the library will
 include object capability in the next release. Releases are made
 strictly in accordance with the time constraints imposed by the
 author's business clients. New versions of TSDWIN are his escape
 from the pressures of the business world. You can tell how busy he
 is by how often a release is made. It may soon be time for TSDWIN
 to become a commercial product. If so, thanks to Peter Smith in
 Halifax, NS, Canada for suggesting the new name. Should the
 decision be made, the name will be used. Peter's CIS ID escapes me
 for the moment, but he may be reached at 902-477-6967.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson